Many times VIP are unsure if they got their total discount - we assure you ... you DID!
You have Special pricing. It is not a discount when you check out .. it is ON the page. You can see your special pricing is 20% lower than regular price. That looks like this:
You can always SEE your VIP discount as you shop when you are signed in. Your price IS the actual price. No coupon codes needed for this. .....
NOW ... what if you have a coupon code to use that's special? Like a Birthday or Special Sale?
Ahhhhh. ... perfect. You will be able to add that code during the checkout process.
Since this is an actual Coupon .. you WILL SEE a discounted amount on the checkout Invoice/page. Don't think that is all you are saving though - remember .. you VIP pricing is already there.
Here is what your Invoice would look like in this example:
In this example, as a VIP you are automatically saving 20% off retail pricing + an additional 10% off with a coupon code. That is a total savings of 30%. LUCKY YOU! Enjoy your benefits.
Now, if you have any other questions please feel free to reach out to us ... but, we think this probably has you understanding how everything works.
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