We do not offer many coupons. We feel that the everyday pricing of our professional products is extremely fair, and we don’t want people always worrying that they are missing out on a deal.
We don’t participate in “fear of loss” marketing. The companies that do that are just marking UP the prices so they can give you a code to save! That is terrible, and very frustrating that everyone now thinks that products are not worth their "regular price". Let's get back to pricing things for what they are Worth! Their Real Value! And do away with the games. We suggest that they start "marketing" products for what they can DO for you ... not what the "price" is currently. .... Every day it changes. What companies do you TRUST more? Those that are always on "sale" to move product ... or someone that is steady and holds value?
We have a few big sales every year – Black Friday and Jens bday (in June) are crowd favorites! All the other days?... you are always getting a great price for the professional strength products we are making available to you.
Is your birthday coming up soon? Make sure to get on our Happy Birthday list and get an AMAZING coupon at 9am on your special day. 🎈Sign up here 🎈
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