We have many asking us about a comparable peel to a VI. The *VI Peeltm. contains TCA 12% (Trichloroacetic Acid) , Tretinoic Acid 0.1%, Salicylic Acid 12%, Phenol 12% (used for numbing), Vitamin C and a mineral blend. They then apply a vitamin A solution afterwards.
We feel that an excellent, and even preferable peel combination, would be:
Level 1: Jessners + TCA (7 or 13) + Luminosity
Level 2: Jessners + TCA (7 or 13) + Dream Peel
It is quite simple to layer these acids. You must keep in mind though that this is a strong peel combination. An advanced method like this is NOT a place where you should beginning your peel journey. If you have had the VI Peel, or have regularly applied jessners or tca, then you should be ready to take this next step. If not then you will want to save these notes for the future and work up to this slowly over the course of many months.
- Cleanse and strip skin
- Apply Jessners
- Wait 5 minutes
- If you are applying more jessner coats... continue with that always waiting 5 minutes.
- Now proceed onto the TCA 13 at the 1st layer
- If you are applying more TCA coats... continue, always waiting 5 minutes in between layers.
- Wait final 5 minutes.
- Leave everything ON.
- Apply Luminosity 1x today, 1x tomorrow and 1x the next day. *IF you choose to do the Dream Peel instead apply that a single time only.
Here are two videos on how to apply Jessners + TCA and also TCA + Dream Peel. Basically you will be combining the two techniques.
**We have no connection to VI Peeltm manufacturers. We are just answering a question that we regularly get and are referring to their namesake.
1 comment
I notice in the video you rinse, but in the instructions on this blog you say to leave it ON. Which one is it we should do?
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